The EU Renovation Wave and the Circular Economy Action Plan set the course for delivering more sustainable buildings through intensified renovation activities. However, life-cycle approaches or circular solutions find little or no practical application in EU countries. In addition to the need for more financial support for municipal renovations, there are still challenges for municipal actors in terms of capacity and know-how on sustainable refurbishments. This is exactly where the online training series "Circular Buildings" comes in. The online training, aims to strengthen the skills of municipal stakeholders from the EU Member States in the field of sustainable renovation.


    In Module 1 of the online training series “Circular Buildings”, organised by  EUKI project SUstainable Building Renovation –      Forming the Future (SURF), the experts will introduce the training participants to the Life Cycle Assessment (LCA). In  addition, practice examples of the use of climate-friendly building materials  in renovations will be provided. By acquiring state-of-art knowledge through the online training, the participating municipal stakeholders will be enabled to foster  sustainable  renovation within their municipal area. Learning from experts’ experience, the participants will also be able to share their experiences and challenges in Life Cycle Assessment (LCA), as well as their know-how on the use of climate-friendly materials when refurbishing existing buildings at the municipal level.


                                               Date: 31 August 2023

                                                      Time: 10:30 – 12:00 CEST

    For participation, please register via this link. The Zoom link will be sent after registration.

    The other two training modules will take place in:

    • November 2023: Module 2 on funding opportunities for sustainable renovations.
    • February 2024: Module 3 on green public procurement for renovation of public buildings.

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